Wednesday, May 10, 2006

What to do, Blue Eyes?

Blue Eyes has emailed and said that he would like to see me again, but things are busy in his life. He apologized to me. I did run into him last Sunday (he told me where he was going to be in the afternoon). After that, he emailed to say hello, but no date.

Usually I would let this go, but for some reason I'm intrigued. He's cute, fun and smart. I would very much like another date with him. If there is something going on in his life that's preventing him from dating me, I can't do much about it.

I feel there are two sides to this: one, he's just not that into me and making excuses. Look, he's not making dates with me. On the other hand, he keeps leaving the door open when he clearly doesn't owe me anything.

I believe my plan now is to just keep a casual dialog open. Perhaps if I keep hearing from him, I'll suggest getting together and see how he reacts. *sigh* It's not often I find someone who I enjoy as much. I guess it's just a chemistry thing, but they are few and far between.

And so I go on....

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