Sunday, May 07, 2006

Decisions about The Torch

Without going into too much detail, I heard some news this week that made me The Torch and how I've worked to resolve some things about that relationship.

This man is still very important to me, but the information that I heard this past week simply confirms that I made the right, although very, very hard decision to stop contact with him. My thoughts have been all along that he needs to finish and confront some things in his past relationships. Without this, which he isn't able/isn't ready to do, will stop him from a healther partnership, I believe. I could be a super-model nuclear professor and he still would have the block and not be able to have a relationship with me.

*sigh* I think so much of him as a person. He's funny, smart, interesting, sensitive. If he could move past these old issues, I believe he would find himself a happier, healthier person. Hence the reason I had to move on. Hard, but healthier for me.

My thoughts are with you, Torch. Even if it isn't with me, I wish you the best in untangling whatever it is.

And I move forward....

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