Monday, October 29, 2007

One more

After last Wednesday's call I thought that SW wouldn't check in again for a while. After all, I had pressed about the break up and he has shown lately how much he wants to shy away from that conversation.

However, Thursday afternoon the phone rang and it was him. I actually laughed and told him that he constantly surprised me. He asked why and I answered that because after the last conversation I thought it would be a while before we talked again. We continued to have a fun, light conversation with him making slight reference to us seeing each other in November. This is because his second job will slow down in that month. I told him that I was not holding my breath. Again, we hung up friendly and casual.

The confusion about this still lingers, but I'm trying to just go with the flow. One friend believes that SW likes the chase and then when reality hits, he leaves. Another thinks that he can't commit to stay, but he can't commit to actually leave either.

Me? I just think he's a man who has a ton on his plate and wants to have a relationship, but just can't seem to make it work right now in his llife. I do believe we have a strong connection, but I also know intellectually that all his obligations and responsibilities make this a relationship that would be tough sledding.

And so I move on....


Anonymous said...

Well, as a blog reader on the sidelines, I'd have to say you're not only sassy, but also very, very classy! Sounds like you're trying to handle this with maturity, humor, and, once again, grace and who wouldn't find that super attractive. I think if you can remain somewhat detached from all expectations of the relationship, you know the ones we can't help having as we fantasize about the possibilities, you may end up pleasantly surprised by this man. I'm hoping for a happy ending for you, but I think you'll do just fine "moving on" in the meantime.

Sassy said...

Once again, Christine, you have given me support which I greatly appreciate. Thank you. I'm still missing SW, but with a strong belief in myself, I will survive!