Sunday, January 28, 2007

Building a community

Last evening I had some friends in for dinner and a rousing game of Uno! I made a big pot of shrimp etouffe, bread, and apple cobbler. Friends brought salad, ice cream, wine and beer. We had a terrific time and I was once again reminded of how blessed I am to have so many wonderful friends.

The Torch and I have a running discussion about when you're single, and especially when your family is scattered elsewhere, you need to have a community. And it's work to make it and keep it vibrant. I think of my community as my friends. Kinda like a family right here in my town. They're the people I lean on, laugh with, support and play with.

This is one of the best lessons that I've had out of my divorce. Luckily, I already had a great network of friends and have a personality that knows how to reach out and make relationships. I empathize with people who look around one day and think that they don't have friends to count on or to have fun with.

So, to all my friends near and far, THANKS! You're wonderful people and make my life richer and richer every day!


African Kelli said...

Now that my family has moved from Arizona, I understand the need for friends and community more than ever. Sounds like you've got a great bunch!

Anonymous said...

No, thank YOU for being such a wonderful and supportive friend. :)