Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Mother knows best

Well, it's a hot Wednesday evening and I need to update everyone.

I had a date with BuffaloBoy last night. Again, just when I think he's not at all interested, he makes a move. Like chess perhaps? Who knows.

The story: Boy was out of town last Thurs to Sun evening at a bluegrass concert. I surely thought that he would call me when he got back into town, but no. Then I thought he would call Monday at the office, but no. Then I thought maybe I would hear from him Monday night. But no.

As per usual, I thought "well, it's done. He's not feeling it. I'm not feeling it." I like him, enjoy his company, but really am not getting lit up by him. I am looking for the feeling that just makes me bounce when I think of him. Nothing against him, just perhaps not my guy.

So Tuesday at the office, the phone rings. Boy says hello, tells me about his concert, asks about my weekend, etc. We chat and it's nice. He asks for a date for Thursday night. We agree that would work and he lets me know he'll call me later in the week to make plans.

About AN HOUR later he calls the office again. Claims that he "can't wait until Thursday" and wants to know if I can go to dinner that very night. Nice. I'm happy, since I DO enjoy his company. We meet, have a nice Thai dinner out, go get ice cream, then come back to my place. He seems like regular old Boy, and I enjoy myself. I ask him if he wants to hang out, watch a little TV, but he says no, he needs to go home.

OK, I ask you: is this a man who missed me? Who "couldn't wait" to see me?

I can NOT figure this one out. I enjoy him and like dating him casually, but I'm not sure WHAT he thinks. Per the great Mom, I should not work on figuring him out and just enjoy his company. She's a smart one, that Mom.

And so I move on.


Anonymous said...

how about that smart rosie?

Sassy said...

My Rosie is smart, as well as wonderful, beautiful, generous and such. And she tends to give her Auntie lots of good boy advice too.

Last advice from Rosie? "Duh, Aunt Stef. He's a boy."

Smart girl, that one.