Monday, June 11, 2007

Lovely day with the Torch

Well, The Torch and I had a wonderful date yesterday. Per his suggestion, we headed west via the back roads to a lovely vineyard in the mountains. On our drive out there, he asked if I had ever been to Elk Hill Farm. I answered, "no" and off we turned onto a little country road.

As we turned left, the most wonderful old house came into view. It was an old (1750s?) mansion that is situated on top of a gorgeous piece of property in the middle of almost nowhere. It is slightly falling apart, but somehow the Torch would just know that I would love it. We walked around the property, talked about how cool it would be to live there with lots of big dogs, books and rocking chairs. I honestly felt like he had given me this jewel of a gift to show me this.

Next stop was a little canal town that's been flooded lots of time. Torch mentioned that they had a cool little museum there (kind of an outside display) about the town, the floods, the river, the canal and the flat bottom boats. We walked around, looked at all the history and enjoyed the small town.

Finally we were off to the winery. A pretty little place in the mountains (or perhaps foothills is a better term). After a tasting of some yummy wine, we got a cold bottle and proceeded to sit in the sun, eat our picnic lunch and talk and talk. After a couple of hours, we packed up and headed back to our town about an hour and 20 minutes away.

At my home, we made dinner (Torch supplied steaks) and lounged in the lovely evening on the deck while sipping wine and talking. At the end of the night we went our separate ways. And a wonderful time was had by all.

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