Monday, June 18, 2007

Kittens and Cougars

As I'm sitting at my computer this evening, I saw a promo on the TV for a new show called "The Age of Love." The premise is that they have one bachelor and two sets of women vying for his attention. One is called the Cougars, 40 and over women. The other is called the Kittens and they are in their 20s.

I suppose that it will show that some women who are in their 40s can be just as sexy and good looking as the 20 year olds. Now, I almost typed "smart" in that sentance too. But that woud be wrong. I'm sure that none of them were chosen for a TV show for their brains. I'm sure some of them are quite intelligent, but this show is so much about looks and clevege and such that it just turns me off.

At 40+, everyone is experiencing some changes in their looks and bodies. It doesn't mean that you have to let yourself go, but I'd like to think that people eventually bond and love each other for what's inside. My heart is full...and young.

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