Thursday, March 23, 2006

A date and a .38

Looking back, it was a strange date. I got in the car and there was a handgun there. Now, if you know me, I'm super-anti-gun. I don't believe in them in any case. My family doesn't believe in them. My siblings wouldn't give their boy children even toy guns to play with. So, you can imagine my surprise.

This man was legally carrying, so don't get any ideas. He did work for the Feds, in a roundabout sort of way. And serious people weren't happy with him. But still, could you put the gun away when you come to pick up your date? And throwing it (really!) into the back seat doesn't count. Well, I'm worried, but he assures me that he knows how to use it and has just been practicing. Goody.

My angst increased when we went to park the car at the shopping area we were visiting. I live in the city, so even though we are in a "nice area," a block or two away perhaps, shall we say, wasn't as charming. I imagine the Eurocar being broken into (bad enough since it was a really nice car) and the gun being taken. An evening with the police. Lovely thought.

As usual, my creative juices run away with ideas, but in the end nothing like that happened. It was a nice date, with art galleries mixed with a movie, topped with a fine dinner. I am no longer dating this man, but that's for another day. And so it goes.....

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