Friday, June 27, 2008

The comfort of comfort

As the weeks are progressing, The Boyfriend and I are find our own groove, routine, whatever you want to call it. I'm adjusting well to the "next phase" I think.

He comes over in the evenings after his martial arts class to have dinner and I'm enjoying cooking for such an appreciative eater. For those who don't know, he's an ex-high school jock and eats a LOT. He makes time to keep in good shape and eats healthy even if it's portions that would feed a small army of Sassies.

Anyway, the other evening we were sitting on the deck eating dinner and listening to music and the sounds of summer in Virginia. I am really enjoying this time since it's a good time to swap stories, make requests and propose new ideas for what we'd like to do for fun. Whatever we talk about--our weekend before, the week coming up, friends and neighbors, families, what we are thinking--is always fun. We tend to laugh a lot and I love that. We don't always see eye-to-eye, but we are old enough and experienced enough to listen and respectfully disagree.

I have to confess that I still miss the wooing and chase a bit, but I do love the realization that he is my steady, enjoys me and thinks I'm amazing. And that is the comfort of finding the comfortable stage.


Anonymous said...

I couldn't be happier for you...can't wait to chat.
-Minnesota Sue

Sassy said...

Oh, Minnesota Sue!
I miss you.....hope you and lover boy are happy and well. Call me.