Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Short or long?

Yesterday I was speaking to a work associate and she asked how long I had been single. When I answered, "3+ years," she said, "oh, that isn't that long."

As I was thinking about that this morning, I wondered if it felt long or short to me. My conclusion? Depends on the day. However, it got me to start thinking about all the things I've done and experienced.

• taught classes at the local university.
• been laid off of work twice (typical for advertising agencies)
• started my own little freelance business twice
• taken lessons at the local art co-op
• been to Italy with the Wingwoman
• had a few parties
• had a few bottles of wine
• remodeled my kitchen
• been on lots of dates; some wonderful, some not so much
• fallen in love twice
• had my heart bruised twice
• met a variety of men and women from many different walks of life
• bruised a few hearts or a least some egos
• had a surprise birthday party given for me
• learned a lot about myself, including how strong I am
• biked 20 miles on one ride
• hiked more than 7 miles in one afternoon

And that's just what I can think of right now! As I look at this list, I'm amazed and grateful.
And so I move on....


Susan said...

Sassy, I'm going on 5 years since my divorce and I have not really been in any long-term relationships in that time (or one that was not long-long distance...and not with a man who turned out to be married. eegads) I agree with you - some days I think, "Oh, my, is it going to be 10 years, then 15 without finding what I want in a relationship?" But most days (and I'm being honest here) I don't think so much about what I'm missing. I think of everything I've accomplished and how much stronger and more in touch with who I am and who I want to be, especially as a role model for my kids. You've done some great things in an even shorter period of time and should feel proud of them.

And you're not alone in your situation if that helps on the "long" days :)


Sassy said...

Thanks for your kind words and support. I salute a woman like you who is a learning about herself and being a good role model!

Sassy said...

Thanks for your kind words and support. I salute a woman like you who is a learning about herself and being a good role model!

African Kelli said...

Short or long, a well-spent adventure! Good for you for having such a balanced perspective.