Monday, January 21, 2008

Thinking about it

Lately I've been reading a lot and thinking a lot about visualizing what you want to make it come to you. I guess that's the premise behind the book, "The Secret," but I've not read it yet. Also I've read that athletes also use this--they see themselves making the touchdown and feeling the fun of winning.

Anyway, I'm working to use this on my dating and meeting people. OK, meeting men. So I've made myself kind of a special list of the qualities that I would like in a partner. Then I quietly work to think how that person would make me feel.

I've enjoyed this process, and while I'm skeptical at times, it has helped very much in that I know now what I want/need in a partner and this had helped me sort through online profiles and made me realize that I need to use my time with someone who fills most of my list so that I am happy and healthy in my next relationship.


African Kelli said...

I have a similar list. It is fun to dream and even more fun, once you know what you are rooting for, to watch it come to fruition!

Terry said...

Sassy! Did you happen to see Oprah yesterday? Louise Hay and Martha Beck were on, discussing this very subject.

Thank you for the question you left on my blog. I hope to get to it tomorrow (it's been some week!).