Sunday, June 03, 2007

Random dating thoughts

Life has been slow lately--at least on the dating side. I've hidden my profile on one site, and will let another site close for the summer. I think there are 2-parts to this. One is that I'm just not meeting anyone that captures my attention. I've been on the one site a while (on and off) and not seeing lots of new faces that interest me. The other reason is that summer is always so busy with work, freelance, summer fun, etc. I just don't have the time to date or even look around.

And I think this is OK. Sometimes you just have to decide where your concentration goes. And lately, that's been with family and friends.

Now, none of this is to say that I'm not keeping my eyes open. I have been swapping a few very early round of emails with someone from Match that contacted me a long while ago. I thought that he had bowed out due to non-interest, but he contacted me saying that he is moving to my area and business had him tied up. Nothing exciting, although he appears to be interesting.

Of course, there's always The Torch. I've been seeing him as a friend and hanging out with him. I'm sure this is part of the equation as well. I just enjoy his company so much....we have a ton in common....that anyone else will have to catch my attention in a big way.

And so I move forward.....

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